Tenors and basses are going on tour in Baltics

Sofia Vokalensemble - TTBBSofia Vokalensemble men group on a first ever tour for the first ever visit to Baltics.

For our first visit to Baltics we prepared the program with rich display of of male choral music pieces that are highly popular in Sweden as well as some of the best music for male choirs by foreign composers. The program ranges from romantic, nature-inspired works such as Aftonen (the Evening) by Hugo Alfvén to Quatre petites prières de Saint François d’Assise by Francis Poulenc, reflecting religious texts.

This program will also seek to present the vision of Bengt Ollén, the Artistic Director of Sofia Vokalensemble. “The vision is to create music that transcends notes. The music performed by the choir is not just about wonderful sounds and a tidy interpretation of music. Music must have an impact on the listener. Hence, every singer is a highly important part of a musical piece.”

Concert schedule:
Thursday 8th of September: Evening Concert in Grand Hall of Latvian University, Riga, Latvia. Shared with choir JUVENTUS.
Friday, 9th of September: Evening Concert in Kaunas, Vytautas Magnus University Music Academy, Lithuania
Saturday, 10th of September: Evening concert in St Katherine Church.  Vilnius, Lithuania. Shared with choir BEL CANTO